The Movie-Book Cover, which is better?

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These are just a small handful of books that have been turned into movies and the subsequent movie cover edition released. What really draws me to a book is its cover and i know, i know, ‘don’t judge’ and all that, but i do, shamelessly. I love a good book cover and usually whenever a book is released with a new cover i just WANT IT.

The majority of the time I won’t buy the movie edition of a book. I get a little snobbish and think ‘oh that’s not the original book’ *insert my best Hermione impression here* but sometimes I do think the movie editions are pretty appealing. Here are a few that I thinkย are great movie cover editions.


I adore both covers here, and I own both covers as well. The movie version is just so…sweet and beautiful, which I think we appreciate much more after we read the book/watch the film.

I don’t own either of these editions. I have the English version. I choose the American cover because I think these two have very similar vibes about them, with the skyline and lettering. On the movie edition they just look so ready to start a rebellion and its brilliant.ย 

I own the original cover but I have to say I think I prefer the movie edition because it’s not an in your face movie poster slapped on a book. I think it gives it a nice clean look with a subtlety about it.

I have to admit, I am not a fan of the Hunger Games,ย sorry the majority but i’m not. However I think the movie edition is just so simple and understated and strong. It almost makes me want to go out and buy it just for the sake of it.ย 

I adore Percy Jackson and this is another movie edition that does it subtly. You can tell its from the movie but at the same time if you hadn’t seen the movie it would just look like an awesome cover.

I like the original book cover for nostalgic purposes, however I do think the movie version is pretty bad ass, too bad the movie didn’t follow the covers lead.

What are your favorite book cover to movie cover editions??

6 responses to “The Movie-Book Cover, which is better?”

  1. Magini - books Avatar

    I don’t like this movie cover editions. I admit, some of them are rather nice and some might even look better than originals book covers, but ever since Sookie Stackhouse novels I feel a certain disgust when I see that someone decided to change the original cover to a movie one. I have how that one book looks on my shelf… all those pretty white covers with lovely red accent and then there’s the one black with TV show heroes faces… It annoys me


    1. htaylori Avatar

      I get that, and to an extent I agree. Like I said at the beginning I don’t like buying them because they’re not the original! Even if I think they look okay ๐Ÿ˜„

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  2. Reg (She Latitude) Avatar

    I’m with you–I can’t not judge a book by its cover, and a book with a pretty cover will almost always make me want to read it more than if it has just an average cover.

    Personally I more often prefer covers without actual humans on them, so most of the time I prefer the books’ original covers. From all the ones I’ve seen, these are my favourite Hunger Games covers. :p


    1. htaylori Avatar

      Oh I totally agree! I think if the book has a face (and it’s not a movie cover) it takes away some of the imagination of first meeting that character!! I do think those hunger games covers are probably the most…sleek ๐Ÿ˜„

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      1. Reg (She Latitude) Avatar

        It doeees! And the thing is, for me the character they put on the cover often looks different to the one I envision in my head. It normally kills the imagination a little bit, personally. :p

        And yeah! They’re very sleek, haha. I think I like ’em minimalistic.


      2. htaylori Avatar

        Yes! Same here! I also feel like I’m being forced to envision that particular person and sometimes I think it really stunts my reading of what could of been a great book! I’m also a fan of minimalism! ๐Ÿ˜„

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